Veterinary Resources

Pet Dental Care Resources

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Veterinary Resources

Pet Dental Care Resources

Did you know that 80% of dogs and cats have some degree of dental disease and would benefit from a dental scale and polish! Animals as young as 3 years old can be affected.

Some breeds are more predisposed to dental issues than others, but almost every dog and cat will require some kind of regular dental care.

Cats and dogs do not brush and floss every day, so bacteria builds up and causes inflammation of the gums (Gingivitis) and a build up of tarter. This causes bad breath, and deterioration of the gums which can lead to root exposure, infections and tooth breakage / loss. All of these things can cause pain resulting in your pet not eating, or even infection of organs from the bacteria in the mouth.

At Ramsgate Vet, we understand that cleaning your pets teeth daily can be a challenge, so we offer free dental checks with our team and heavily discount dental cleans.

We like to avoid removing teeth where possible, and have a state of the art dental xray so we can check the health of the teeth below the line. This provides us with more information than just the visual appearance, giving us more opportunities to save the teeth!

We recommend regular cleaning to maintain dental health and prolong the health of your pet.

When we perform dental cleans not only do we deep clean all the teeth on the outside and inside surface, we probe all the teeth looking for pockets that may suggest disease below the gum line. We then polish all the teeth and use a pet friendly mouth wash that results in a gleaming new smile and fresh breath!

You may be worried about placing your pet under general anaesthesia for a dental procedure. Anaesthesia in animals has advanced majorly over the years, and age is no longer a reason to avoid anaesthesia. We have state of art monitoring and experienced and highly trained nursing team that are always monitoring your pet. We also have the ability to run full blood panels within 30 minutes to ensure that we have a full picture of your pets health and can tailor our approach specifically to your pet.

Dental care at home is very important to try and maintain dental health between cleans. Brushing is the best way to maintain dental health, but this can be a challenge! There are plenty of alternatives to brushing we can recommend, including water additives, diets and treats.

When selecting treats, look for the VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council) approved treats.

The VOHC tests the treats to ensure that they are effective against the build up of tarter, but also will not break teeth, so items such as deer horns would not be endorsed by VOHC.

You may have heard of, and have questions surrounding anaesthesia free dentals. We do not perform or endorse this approach to dental care. The Australian Veterinary Association have released this information on the approach.