Pet Surgery
As a trusted advisor, it’s normal for you to have many inquiries concerning the best course of action. At Ramsgate Veterinary Hospital, we’ll address all of your inquiries and assist you in identifying the best option for your family. Each animal’s anaesthesia and pain management plan is customised for that animal’s age, breed, and level of health. Additionally, we offer cutting-edge patient monitoring tools and surgical supplies that are identical to those in a real hospital.
Our veterinary surgeons can perform a wide range of cutting-edge soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery procedures since they have years of experience and extensive training.
As soon as you’ve arranged your pet’s surgery, remember the following:
- No food after 9 pm the night before surgery. They can drink during the night, but water should be removed first thing in the morning.
- All surgical patients go through a pre-surgical consult at admission.
- For all surgeries and procedures, consent forms need to be signed at admission.
- We strongly recommend pre-anesthetic blood work for all animals going under general anesthetics (we are pleased to offer this crucial service at a very affordable price).
- By the end of the day of the operation, you will be contacted with a full report of the surgery.